Need Asphalt Surfacing Specialists?

We have got you covered if asphalt surfacing is what you need, we offer a wide range of products which include but are not limited to road stabilisation, pothole patching, crack sealing, roadmarkings, speed humps, milling and road replacement. We have partnerships, and cooperation within the Asphalt Community to ensure the continued delivery of safe and economical pavements to satisfy our Nation’s needs.

What is Asphalt Surfacing?

Asphalt Surfacing

Laying of hot mix asphalt

It is the process of laying Asphalt concrete a continuously graded mixture of mineral aggregate, filler and bituminous binder which form an interlocking structure. This interlocking aggregate structure is the major contributor to the strength and performance of the laid material. The surface course will have good resistance to deformation as measured by the Wheel Tracking test.

Why Choose Asphalt Paving

  • Fast Installation Speed Usability

Asphalt driveway can usually be laid in a few days and can be ready for use in as little as two days after completion

Asphalt surfacing is fast installation and speed usability
  • Lower Maintenance Costs

If your asphalt driveway does start to show some lineal cracking, you can repair these easily and inexpensively using crack sealant.

Asphalt Surfacing is low maintenance
  • High Durability

Asphalt is a flexible pavement. This flexibility allows asphalt to withstand occasional
overloading of the pavement.

Asphalt Surfacing has High Durability
  • Cost-effective

Asphalt has low initial costs, lasts longer, and due to its recyclability, has residual
value greater than other pavements

Asphalt surfacing is Cost Effective

Service Offered

Road Maintanance
asphalt surfacing
Traffic Calming

Road Markings

Types of Kerbs

Our team are fully qualified to give you a great service
